Photorejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment that helps to produce younger and healthier looking skin. It is a good treatment to target aging spots, sun damaged areas, broken blood vessels (a.k.a telangiectasia), rosacea, and pigmented areas of the skin. This is usually recommended in a series of 3 to 5 treatments.
Photorejuvenation has been called many things over the years. Most commonly you will hear people call this procedure a photofacial, using an intense pulsed light (IPL) or broad band light (BBL).
As we age, we begin to see the signs of sun damage, time, and lifestyle choices appearing in our complexion. Our aging skin may include freckles, rosacea, wrinkles, broken capillaries, dark spots, blotchy skin color, redness of the face and neck, enlarged pore size and uneven pigmentation.
Photorejuvenation is the best procedure that can treat the vascular redness of rosacea or broken blood vessels. It is an excellent treatment to reduce or rid yourself of pigmented brown spots and sun damage, improve skin texture, and stimulate collagen structure all at once. Althought this dramatic treatment has little to no down time, you can expect to have a "sunburned" feeling for approxiamtely 2-24 hours post treatment. with and can be done in about 1 hour.
Treatments can usually be done within an hour and scheduled 3 -4 weeks apart. They are often recommended along with microdermabrasion or peels.